Thursday, February 10, 2011

Thinking Thursday

what up.

no really, what up?  I'm lonely.  Bailey was home sick today, so other than talking to Kev a few times for a few minutes and talking to B's CHOP nurse, I was by me-lonesome.  I read to Bailey, played Mario on the Wii w/her, was her maid-servant, cook and nurse, and did laundry, Lysol-ing, couponing, and cleaned out the fridge and both freezers.   And Tatie, who will NOT be ignored, was home for 1/2 the day too.

I hate winter.  Other than the Thanksgiving-Christmas season, there's not much in it for me.  I like the snow for one or two days, max.  The kids get sick more often and even when they're not, I just feel so stuck-inside-ish.  Which leaves me plenty of time to think.  After all, if you aren't thinking while cleaning a bathroom, but you're actually present in that moment and focused on the bathroom, isn't that depressing?  So I think about other stuff.

Today I thought...

* I really need to learn how to do Craigslist.  I KNOW it's seemingly easy, I just haven't done it yet.  One of the biggest reasons is bc I have a Mac, and of course I forget the password I gave for my Mac email, which is linked to Craigslist for selling...ugh.

*I need to get a thing that goes into the side of my Mac so I can upload pics.  My current system is to make CDs of my pics before I clear my memory card (my memory card won't fit in this computer, don't know why).  Anyway, I want to learn how to do stuff like online scrapbooks. i-photo, etc.  I am VERY behind the times.

*I am not pro-active enough.  I love playdates, coffee-dates, dinner-dates with friends, but I am not usually who organizes these things.  I want to make a list of everyone I want to do these things with, and start scheduling.  It'll be good for my kids too, to have more playdates.

*I need to finish a few scrapbooks I have literally abandoned in the middle of pages.  Because I have a mild case of ADD or something similar, I have at least 5 scrapbooks that I started but haven't finished.  I get overwhelmed just thinking about it, so I do nothing.  What I DO do, thankfully, is keep up with our yearly memory albums, usually 3 or 4 a year.  This is just your basic slip-the-pics-in-the-slot type.

*I want to start being nicer to Kevin.  There's really no point in being snarky, except to make a point.  I have known for quite a while that nice begets nice, but yet sometimes I feel I can't help myself!!  Thankfully, he is known to laugh at my remarks instead of be mad, but I should just try harder to be nice (ie - "Kevin, is it against your religion to NEVER clean the kids placemats?!  You'll "clean" the kitchen, but leave crusty spaghetti sauce on the mats?!  What gives?!!!")
    -- Breakdown of snarkiness --
*my tone of voice
*my air-quotations with the word "clean"
*asking if something is against his religion, when he could go so much further down that road with me.  If he wanted to - "Brynn, is it against YOUR religion to NEVER get me the Oreos I love at the store?  How about rubbing MY back once in awhile?!  And when you're done with my back, is it against your religion to go ahead and...."

Okay I'm stopping myself.  He would have a very valid point.  But once again, this is a family-friendly site.  (that's me pretending anyone other than a few good friends are even ever going to be reading this post.  The above mentioned husband has STILL not even checked out my blog.

It's against his religion.

Other than this thought-provoking, another day-inside-with-chores kind of day, I've had a nice week and I'm thankful. Tomorrow, hopefully B will be well and we are going out with a bunch of friends while sitters watch all our kids.  Yay!! shows are on tonight.  This makes me very happy, and means I will not be thinking any more tonight.


  1. Scrapbooks are overwhelming!! I've never finished one! My husband bought me an awesome camera for my birthday & a really nice lens for it for christmas, you would think I would be picture happy.....but the weather is just too depressing to even think about it!
    I would love to have a coffee get together with you, with or without the kids is fine with me, let me know if you want to!!
